Ellie’s folder structure organizes models and glossaries, allowing users to create folders and subfolders to categorize models based on projects, domains, or departments. Each folder can contain its own sub-glossary, which lets users define terms specific to the folder’s focus while maintaining access to the organization-wide glossaries. See how subfolders and subglsosaries work in practice in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_y_Ex0PULo&pp=ygUSZWxsaWUgdGVjaG5vbG9naWVz.
Creating and Managing Folders
To create a new folder:
Navigate to the Parent Folder: Access the folder under which you want to create a new subfolder.
Select Create button.
Press the Create Folder button.
Name the folder and add Click on the Create Button: Select the option to create a new folder.
Configure Folder Settings: In the folder settings, you will find three tabs:
General: Enter the folder name and an optional description.
Within each folder, you can organize models as needed and create additional subfolders to further structure your work.
Folder Settings
When creating or editing a folder, you can configure specific settings across three tabs: General, Glossary, and Permission.
General Tab
The General tab allows you to set the basic details for the folder:
Folder Name: Enter the name of the folder.
Description: Add an optional description to provide context or information about the folder's purpose.
Glossary Tab
In the Glossary tab, you can customize glossary settings for the folder:
Folder has own Glossary: Toggle this option to enable a unique glossary for the folder. When enabled, this glossary will contain terms specific to the folder's models, without affecting the organization-wide glossary.
Note: by default the folder always has “own Glossary“ enabled.Suggested Glossaries: Select glossaries from other folders that you want to suggest when modeling within this folder. Suggested glossaries provide additional terms without merging with the folder’s own glossary.
Restrict Glossary Suggestions: Toggle Only allow suggested glossaries if you want to restrict entity suggestions strictly to the selected glossaries. This limits the entities shown in the Search or Create bar when modeling in this folder, ensuring that only terms from allowed glossaries appear.
Permission Tab
The Permission tab controls access to the folder and its contents:
Access Rights: Choose one of three access levels for the folder:
Inherit (restricted): Inherits access settings from the parent folder.
Open: Allows all users to view and access the folder.
Restricted: Limits access to selected users.
Editors: Specify users who can edit and create assets within the folder. Editors can also change the folder’s permissions and settings.
These settings give you control over how folders and glossaries are managed, helping to organize data and maintain security based on project needs.
Note: the root level Organization folder settings are not inherited to it’s child folder
Glossary: Set up glossary settings, including:
Whether the folder has its own glossary.
Which other glossaries to suggest entities from when modeling in this folder.
Restrictions on which glossaries can be shown in the search or create bar during modeling.
Permissions: Define who has access to view or edit the folder and its contents.
Save the Folder: Once configured, save the folder to add it to your hierarchy.
More information on the Folder settings can be found in our Folder User Guide - https://ellie.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ELLIE/pages/852230147/Using+Collections
Using Sub-glossaries in Folders
Each folder can have its own sub-glossary. This sub-glossary allows you to create entities specific to the models within that folder without affecting the organization-wide glossary. This is helpful for managing terms that may differ across projects or domains.
Open the desired folder.
Press Create button.
Press Create Entity button.
Terms added here will appear only within the folder’s sub-glossary unless used as linked entities in folders of other models.
Working with Linked Entities
Models within a folder can access terms from the organization-wide glossary or from other folders. When an entity from a different glossary is added to a model, it appears in italic font on the canvas, signaling it is a linked entity.
User roles and their privileges in Ellie
Ellie has three four levels of users: Admin, Write, Contributor, and Read.